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Finally, HBO has released a “True Blood” Season 5 trailer with some real meat to it.

Wait, I mean “bite to it.”

The action-packed trailer shows Christopher Meloni’s character Roman seizing power within the Authority, Russell Edgington (yes, he’s back) waging war against the Authority, and our favorite undeads Eric and Bill teaming up to fight Russell and I imagine the Authority.

“Russell wants nothing more than anrachy,” Bill says, apparently to Eric and maybe even Roman. “We’ll bring him in, or we’ll die trying.”

Human-vamp relations have broken down, and it seems like the humans–Jason Satckhouse included–are ready to rise up against the bloodsuckers, a fight I can’t see going their way.

We also see some Pam-Eric flashbacks (yay!), Jesus’s demon (who’s he possessing?), Lafayette calling Sookie the “angel of death,” Sam in chains and Sookie using her fairy blaster on someone.

Oh, and did I mention Sookie and Alcide macking? That happens. (Every supernatural being seems to fall for her.)

The trailer comes with the Twitter hashtag #WaitingSucks, which is highly appropriate because now I really want to see it! What do you think? Season 5 premieres June 10 on HBO, and will include several new cast members you can see in this “True Blood” photo gallery.