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Another fun year at Sundance is in the books, packed with tons of celebrity interviews (highlights include Matt Damon, Gabrielle Union, Kyle Chandler, Daniel Radcliffe, Kristen Stewart and “New Girl” star Hannah Simone) and more than a dozen movies as well. You can look back on the full live blog here and read all the reviews here.

If you just want to know about the best and worst stuff to be on the lookout for when it comes out, though, here’s your answer: quotes from reviews of the 3 movies you need to see, and 3 you really should avoid by running away screaming in the opposite direction. Or just don’t see them.

To see (click on the movie title for the full review)

“Southside with You”

“Seriously, Parker Sawyers is unbelievable as Barack Obama in ‘Southside with You.’ Wow. It certainly helps that the Indiana-native actor looks quite a bit like a young version of the POTUS who met his future wife during a summer position at a Chicago law firm while pursuing his Harvard law degree. But it’s also the mannerisms, the charisma, the effortless leadership, the relaxed charm. In no way does this star-making performance feel like an imitation; you have to remind yourself it’s not actually the real guy playing himself.”

“Swiss Army Man”

“Unconventional and difficult to properly capture in words, “Swiss Army Man,” written and directed by the music video directing duo known as the Daniels (DJ Snake and Lil Jon’s “Turn Down for What,” Manchester Orchestra’s “Simple Math”), might have been like some Millennial prankster version of “Cast Away.” Instead, it’s original, ambitious, absurd, honest and unexpectedly beautiful.”

“The Birth of a Nation”

“The Birth of a Nation,” based on the true story of enslaved preacher-turned-revolt leader Nat Turner (writer-director Nate Parker), is often very difficult to watch. In one scene, after being whipped, Nat’s back seems to have more openings than skin remaining. It’s not gratuitous, just appropriate to the sometimes-brutal subject matter. Unless you feel you are personally unable to handle the material, that it’s difficult to watch shouldn’t be a reason not to see it. This movie exists because Parker needed to tell this story (he helped finance it himself and took a break from acting until he could get this made), and turning our back on the important events of the past just isn’t an option. For what it’s worth, and normally I hate making predictions like this but sometimes it’s necessary, I’d be surprised if the film isn’t up for Best Picture in 2017.”

Not to see (click on the movie title for the full review)

“Yoga Hosers”

“Foot-tall Nazi sausages called Bratzis. There. No use burying the lede here. “Yoga Hosers” is a movie about talking, murderous Canadian Bratzis. As if that weren’t enough, they kill by climbing into people’s butts and then out of their mouths. Written and directed by Kevin Smith, “Yoga Hosers” is the kind of bad you seemingly have to make an effort to achieve. Few comedies are this shockingly terrible and unfunny. Smith’s last movie (“Tusk”) surprisingly redeemed a seemingly unredeemable idea (lunatic turns young man into walrus). This time, not even close to close.”

The Hollars”

“‘The Hollars’ gets into trouble immediately: Ron (Sharlto Copley), now living with his parents (Margo Martindale, Richard Jenkins) because of financial problems that are never taken seriously, can’t wait for the bathroom and elects to relieve himself in the best option he finds in the kitchen. Obviously, dad walks in mid-pee. “Your mother puts orange juice in that thing!” Things remain as dire, unfunny, conventional and phony from there.”

“How to Tell You’re a Douchebag”

“In the pathetic nonsense that is “How to Tell You’re a Douchebag,” Ray (Charles Brice) runs “Occasionally Dating Black Women” (sample post: “If you’re such a feminist, why I gotta pay?”) while generally conducting himself like a selfish jerk whenever possible. His level of depth never goes beyond stuff like, “I wish I knew how to find what it is I’m seeking,” and he’s never remotely sympathetic, saying that blogging is “an art” without irony and even weirdly blaming New York’s expensive rental fees for his behavior. Unless you saw “I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell” and wanted to hang out with Tucker Max, you’ll think this dude’s the worst.”


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