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In last week’s exciting “Star Wars: The Clone Wars,” Ahsoka Tano narrowly escaped capture after being set up for the murders of several clones.

Things aren’t looking up for the Padewan in “To Catch a Jedi,” debuting at 8:30 p.m. CT. Feb. 23 on Cartoon Network. She’s on the run from the Republic in the deepest levels of the Coruscant underworld. Her search for answers leads to a surprising alliance, as she needs all the help she can get to unravel the conspiracy and stay ahead of the law.

Anakin Skywalker and the other Jedi don’t believe Ahsoka has fallen, but Admiral Tarkin and the Republic are gunning for her. As you can see in the sneake peeks here, Ahsoka must use her wits and power to evade capture and prove her innocence.

Episode Trivia:

First appearance of level 1313

Among the in-joke stops on the subtram map are “Burbank,” “LAAC,” “Valley Village,” “Sunset,” “Beverly Blvd,” “North Hollywood,” “Laurel Canyon,” “Big Rock Ranch,” “RGC,” “Letterman,” “Skywalker Ranch,” “Lucasville,” “Coach House,” and “Filoniville.”


“The Jedi Who Knew Too Much”


“The Lawless”

“Shades of Reason”


“Point of No Return”

“Missing in Action”

“Secret Weapons”

“A Necessary Bond”

“Bound For Glory”

“A Test of Strength”

“The Gathering”

“Tipping Points”

“The Soft War”

“The Front Runners”

“A War on Two Fronts”

Season 5 photo gallery

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