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We’re inching closer and closer to the Season 5 premiere of “Star Wars: The Clone Wars,” which means more sneak peeks like the one Lucasfilm and Cartoon Network released Thursday.

In the clip, Darth Maul and Savage Opress get into a brotherly brawl over who is the master and who is the apprentice. The brothers are discussing how they are being hunted by the Jedi, and Darth Maul suggests that they need one vision–his.

“Always two there are, my brother, a master and an apprentice,” Darth Maul says. Like Darth Sidious did in a previous Season 5 trailer, Maul is aluding to the Rule of Two that says there should be only one Sith master and an apprentice at any given time.

“And you are the apprentice,” he continues. Savage reacts by drawing his double light saber, to which Maul warns, “So it is time for a lesson.”

With the boys work out their differences? Or will there only be one left standing after this lesson?

“Star Wars: The Clone Wars” moves to 8:30 a.m. CT Saturdays for Season 5, beginning with the Sept. 29 premiere on Cartoon Network.

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