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Amy Adams in a scene from the romantic thriller, "Nocturnal Animals."
Merrick Morton / AP
Amy Adams in a scene from the romantic thriller, “Nocturnal Animals.”

It is no surprise that “Nocturnal Animals” is visually arresting—it’s the product of Tom Ford, a fashion designer by trade. Every shot—from Los Angeles homes to Texas landscapes to Amy Adams’ face—is striking. But “Nocturnal Animals” is all gloss and no effect, wasting its time on uninteresting plot instead of truly unmasking its characters.

What happens?

Disillusioned with her life as an LA gallerist, Susan Morrow (Adams) receives a novel manuscript from her first husband, Edward (Jake Gyllenhaal). Susan left Edward nearly two decades ago to be with her current husband, Hutton (Armie Harmer), but their marriage is in a state of disconnect. While Hutton is away on business, Susan reads Edward’s novel about a violent tragedy that befalls a Texas family, causing her to relive her own mistakes.

What’s good?

The film is undeniably gorgeous. Visually, “Nocturnal Animals” feels more like art than your average movie, and that affects everything from shots to makeup. The story of Susan’s history plays with some interesting concepts, like feeling ungrateful in unhappiness and how well we really know ourselves. The real draw, however, is the performances, because everyone brings their A game. Adams is a treasure, Gyllenhaal commits, Aaron Taylor-Johnson is convincingly crazy as the novel’s antagonist and Laura Linney steals her one scene as Susan’s mother.

What’s bad?

Foreboding music suggests that “Nocturnal Animals” considers itself to be in the same vein as films like “Basic Instinct” and “Fatal Attraction.” Unfortunately, without even a shred of sex, it’s hard for a movie to be sexy. Susan’s story is interesting enough, but Ford passes it up to dive deep into Edward’s novel, which has considerably less nuance. Past, present and novel are all woven together, but not enough ties them together, and Ford never spends enough time on the things that deserve it.

Final verdict

A sexy thriller that is neither sexy nor thrilling.

2 stars (out of four)

@lchval |