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Chicago Tribune

Happy New Year, RedEye readers!

OK, I’m a little early, but here’s hoping the day flies by so you can start sipping bubbly sooner rather than later. I don’t know about you, but I’ve never been one for New Year’s resolutions. Sure, I’ve made them in the past, but I can’t remember keeping one longer than two weeks. The interesting thing about Jan. 1 is that many of us relish the fresh start—a new 366 days (leap year!) to get a better job, eat healthier and hit the gym—but then we stress out under the pressure of those lofty new goals.

Here at RedEye, we’re challenging you to be a better, happier you in 2016. I promise you don’t have to lose any weight or learn a new language. Rather, we have simple suggestions for improving your life as you make your way through the year. No deadlines, no huge commitments. Heck, you can do some of these things on your commute or from the comfort of your couch.

From a Netflix bucket list and podcast bible to pledges we can all make to improve Chicago, we’re dedicating this issue to you. And hey, we won’t dock points if you make a few bad decisions tonight. Happy New Year!

Morgan Olsen
RedEye Eat & Drink, Lifestyles editor