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Eugene Hoshiko, AP

If supersizing it just isn’t enough for you, you should pack your bags and head to Missouri.

The “McDonald’s of the future” offering unlimited fries is now open in Mound City, Missouri, chosen probably because you’ll be the size of a small mountain after indulging in their all-you-can-eat french fry promotion.

Owner Chris Habiger has big dreams for his restaurant, changing the traditional format of customers ordering and waiting for food at the counter to customers ordering their food and having it brought directly to their table. Habiger calls the new format “fast casual.” We don’t know if that’s actually a thing, but “A” for effort.

The restaurant will also offer more grilled options (healthy!) and gourmet sauces such as pico guacamole (probably not healthy!). It’ll also offer various ordering kiosks, a separate counter for coffee—sorry, “Cafe”—drinks and a dessert bar, also with unlimited options. Getting a little confused over whether they’re going for a healthier vibe or not. Leaning toward “not.”

They’re also building a new play area to entice your impressionable children to frequent the burger chain. The area will feature light board tables and video games as well as party areas for birthdays.

Parents, please, don’t let your kids have their birthday parties at McDonald’s. No amount of therapy will fix that later in life.

@shelbielbostedt |