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Aziz Ansari is pissed off about this election—and that he lost his lunch break.

In a clip created for NextGen Climate, an organization created to raise awareness for climate change, a clearly pissed off Ansari yells into the camera to try and get people to vote come Nov. 8—which you should all be doing with or without a funny video.

“What the f*ck do you need?” he says in the clip. “How many celebrities have made these stupid f*cking videos? … These people are way more famous than me? Why do you need me?”

Once his frustration for people who just weren’t going to vote at all ebbed, he then turned his attention to Republican candidate Donald Trump.

“There’s a f*cking guy running who says he hates brown people. That’s not enough?” Then, because one point wasn’t enough, he continued, “He doesn’t believe in climate change. Do you realize how dumb you have to be to not believe in climate change at this point?”

For the full video—and not just these hilarious quotes—watch above.

@shelbielbostedt |