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The John Powers interview on the uniqueness of Chicago (Chicago Voices, July 28) evoked vivid memories of my own Chicago neighborhood. Although we were on the other side of town and of different ethnic origin (North Side Jewish versus South Side Catholic), the parallels struck a resonant chord.

We did not identify ourselves by parish (for obvious reasons), but by high school. To this day, upon meeting someone from the old `hood, the initial query is: ”Where did you go to high school?”

Typically, a game of ”Jewish geography” ensues, in which we seek to reaffirm our ties to our community, past and present. And, oh, the warm rush when a mutual friend, acquaintance or relative is discovered.

My thanks to Powers for reminding me of how great it is to come from one of those wonderful ”little neighborhoods that lead to the lake.”


…and New Yorkers

I enjoyed John R. Powers` article, but since I am a native New Yorker, I felt compelled to respond.

I grew up in the Bronx and moved to Chicago some 20 years ago. Goodbye George Washington Bridge, Park Avenue, Times Square and Manhattan. Hello Lake Michigan, the Magnificent Mile, Sears Tower and the Cubs, Sox, Bulls and Bears.

The Second City has surely found a place in my heart. I`m impressed and I`m here to stay, blizzards and all. I wouldn`t trade my New York roots for all the pizza in Chicago. NYC is the greatest city in the world, but I feel Chicago is friendlier, smaller, cleaner and prouder than the Big Apple.

New York is second to none. I treasure my beginnings, but now I`m a Chicagoan and proud of it.

JOAN C. ALLEN, Deerfield

I know just how Greg Gumbel feels when he talks about Chicago (Chicago Voices, July 14). I feel the same way about my home city, New York. There is so much life there. I really dislike leaving New York to come to Chicago. I live here because I have to. New York is still the greatest city in the world. RONALD HAMILTON, Chicago

`Right On` From Lefties

Thank you for the wonderful article on left-handedness (”It`s Not Right!”, July 21). As the right-handed mother of a left-hander, I`m always looking for ways to make life easier for my son, but sometimes I have trouble realizing all the difficulties of lefties living in a right-handed world.

BETH L. ROCHE, Beach Park

I thoroughly enjoyed ”It`s Not Right.” I thought it was very interesting and informative. I am left-handed, and I like being a little different from everyone else in my family. I`m glad that the writer dispels many myths and tells everyone about the famous lefties there have been. Maybe now people will stop thinking that lefties are stereotypically weird.


A Real(ty) Job

Regarding your story on real estate broker Fran Prio (”Hot Property,”

July 28), thank you for telling your readers what every good Realtor knows but what the public seldom hears-that this is a service business.

Being a successful Realtor is not about whom you know or what kind of car you drive. It is about working hard, loving what you do and genuinely caring about the people you serve.


