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Athletes hooked on cocaine, marijuana or other drugs have an especially difficult time breaking their addictions, two of the nation`s best-known drug experts say.

Dr. Forrest Tennant, drug consultant for the NFL and the Los Angeles Dodgers, says addicted athletes don`t do well in drug rehabilitation programs because they`re always traveling, continually tempted by pushers and forced to play when they should be undergoing treatment.

”Most of the time, addicted athletes can`t obtain the help they need to stay clean,” Tennant explained.

One of the worst aspects of the problem, he added, is that some athletes suffer permanent brain damage from marijuana, cocaine, alcohol and other substances, and resultant temper tantrums, antisocial behavior, inability to concentrate and emotional stress make it hard for victims to hold a job, maintain personal relationships, achieve financial stability and even stay in one place very long.

Dr. Joseph Pursch, former director of the Long Beach Naval Hospital alcohol and drug rehabilitation center, says athletes rarely admit they have a drug problem and find it difficult to turn themselves in for treatment.

He said golfers, tennis players and athletes who rely on individual skills rarely become addicts. —